
Terms and Conditions
Article 1. Purpose

These terms and conditions are established for the purpose of defining the rights, responsibilities, and obligations between AriBio Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Company") in providing the Herzion service (hereinafter referred to as the "Service") to the users of the Service.

Article 2. Definitions

The definitions of terms used in these terms and conditions are as follows.
Any terms not defined in this article shall adhere to general customs.
① "Company" refers to AriBio Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"), which operates the Herzion service, and also refers to the operator that operates the mobile application and internet website (hereinafter referred to as the "Site") produced and operated by the Company.
② "Service" refers to various services, including digital content and other services provided to users through mobile devices, personal computers, wireless devices including electric communication equipment, mobile applications, and websites by the Company.
③ "User" refers to an individual who accesses the "Site, Herzion app" and receives the "Service" provided by the "Company" under these terms and conditions.

Article 3. Effect and Modification of Terms and Conditions

① These terms and conditions shall take effect upon installation of the mobile application.
If one does not agree to these terms and conditions, one can press "Cancel" during the installation process.
② In the event a change to these terms and conditions, the Company shall announce the effective date and reasons for the modification on the Site at least 7 days before prior to effect.
However, if the content of the terms is changed unfavorably to users, the Company shall communicate such changes with a minimum grace period of 30 days.
③ Since these terms and conditions may be amended from time to time, users are advised to periodically check the latest version of the terms and conditions posted on the service.
Users may express their refusal to agree to the changed terms and conditions to the Company from the date of announcement of the modified terms until the effective date of the changed terms and conditions.
If the user does not express their refusal during this period, it will be considered that the user has agreed to the changed terms and conditions.
If the user refuses the modified terms and conditions, the services provided in accordance with the changed terms and conditions will not be provided, and the user will continue to be subject to the previous version of the terms and conditions accepted by the user when using the service.
④ Users who have refused the acceptance of the modified terms and conditions may terminate the service use contract based on these terms and conditions or choose to delete the Herzion app.
⑤ The Company shall not be responsible for any damages caused by the user's lack of knowledge about the modified terms and conditions.

Article 4. Supplementary Provisions

Matters not stipulated in these terms and conditions and the interpretation of these terms and conditions shall be governed by the Electronic Transactions Consumer Protection Act, the Act on Regulation of Terms and Conditions, relevant laws, or commercial practices.

Article 5. Establishment of Service Use Agreement

① By downloading the application, the user is considered to have agreed to these terms and conditions, and the installation of the application is completed according to the procedure.
② Users can withdraw consent to the terms and conditions and delete the application at any time. Withdrawal of consent to the terms and conditions is assumed upon deleting the application.
However, the method of deleting the application may vary depending on the operating system (iOS, Android, etc.) that the user uses.

Article 6. Provision and Modification of Service

① The Company provides users with various digital content and services through mobile applications and websites.
② In the event of the exhaustion of goods or changes in technical specifications, the Company may change the contents of goods or services to be provided under the future contract.
③ The form, features, design, etc., of the services provided by the Company may be changed or discontinued if necessary. In such cases, the Company will not provide individual notice of changes.
However, if such change is considered unfavorable to users, it will be posted within the service.
④ In the aforementioned circumstances, the Company shall compensate for damages incurred by users.
However, this shall not apply if the Company proves the absence of intent or negligence.

Article 7. Suspension of Service

① The company aims to provide services 24 hours a day, all year round, as a general rule, unless there are exceptional business or technical hindrances.
However, for operational necessities such as regular system maintenance, server expansion or replacement, addition of new content, various bug patches, and transition to new services, the service may be temporarily suspended for a specific period of time.
In accordance with relevant laws or when operationally required, the service may be available only for specific hours during the day. In such cases, the company will provide advance notice of the details and times on the Site.
However, where advance notification is unfeasible due to unavoidable circumstances, the company may provide notification afterward.
② The company may restrict certain aspects of service use for users in accordance with relevant laws, user age, or service usage procedures.
In such cases, the company will inform users of these restrictions in advance.

Article 8. Company's Responsibilities

① The Company grants users permission to use the service for free.
② To ensure uninterrupted and stable service delivery, the company promptly undertakes repairs or restoration of equipment and services in case of malfunctions or losses, except in situations where unavoidable circumstances prevent it.
③ If reasonable opinions or complaints raised by customers are objectively deemed valid, the company must promptly address them through appropriate procedures.
However, in situations where immediate resolution is challenging, the company must inform the user about the reasons and the expected processing timeline.
④ Upon updating the application, the company supplies users with the updated version.
Nonetheless, depending on the specifics of the update, certain functionalities of the previously provided application might become temporarily unusable.

Article 9. User Responsibilities

① Users are prohibited from modifying, translating, reverse compiling, reverse engineering, or otherwise altering the application or related documentation through means such as manipulation or processing.
② Users may not lease or sell the service for commercial purposes, nor may they utilize the service to provide commercial services.
③ The use of all features and content provided within the service under these terms is only permitted for non-commercial purposes by the user themselves.
Users are prohibited from modifying, copying, creating, transferring, or selling applications, information, and services provided by the company through the service.
④ Users must not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others in relation to the service and its use. Users may not install or use the application in countries other than the country where the service rights and copyright agreements have been separately notified to users, in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Korea and other applicable countries.
⑤ Users must comply with these terms and conditions and relevant laws, and must not engage in actions that disrupt the company's operations or involve illegal activities.
⑥ The company shall not be held responsible for any issues arising from the user's violation of the obligations stipulated in this section.

Article 10. Copyright

① All rights related to the Service belong to the Company.
② Users are granted permission for usage rather than ownership of the Service.
③ The Service is protected under the Copyright Act of South Korea.
④ Detailed information regarding copyrights, including the use of open-source materials in this Service, will be provided through a separate screen accessible after executing the application.

Article 11. Collection and Use of Data and Other Information

① The company may collect user data for the sole purpose of improving the service or providing services or technologies suitable for the user's usage environment. The collected data will only be used for the benefit of the respective user within the scope of the collection purpose.

Article 12. Limitation of Company's Liability

① In case the user fails to comply with the terms, the Company may terminate the service contract according to these terms. In such cases, the user must delete both the copy of the application and its associated components.
② The user may terminate this agreement at any time by deleting the service.
③ In cases where the user has suffered damages due to the Company's intentional or gross negligence, the Company will compensate the user for the actual damages incurred.
④ If the user causes damages to the Company due to their own fault, the Company may claim compensation for the damages from the user.

Article 13. Termination of Contract and Damages

① The Company may terminate the service use agreement under these terms and conditions if the user does not comply with the terms and conditions. In this case, the user must delete both the copy of the application and its components.
② Users can terminate this contract by deleting the service at any time.
③ In the event of damages incurred by the user due to the Company's intention or gross negligence, the Company shall compensate only the actual damages incurred by the user.
④ If the Company incurs damages due to the user's fault, the Company may claim damages from the user.

Article 14. Limitation of Liability and Disclaimer

① In cases of force majeure or circumstances beyond the control of the telecommunications service provider that prevent the provision of the service, the Company shall be exempt from liability regarding the provision of the service.
② The Company shall not be held responsible for disruptions in service usage caused by the user's fault.
③ Except as specifically provided by relevant laws, the Company shall not be liable for service usage.
④ The Company shall not be held responsible for disputes or issues arising between users or between users and third parties mediated through the service.
⑤ The Company shall not be held responsible for issues arising from the user's mobile environment or security problems beyond the Company's control, including network hacking that is difficult to defend against given the current state of security technology.
⑥ While the Company offers programs for mental well-being through the service, these are not medical services.
They cannot replace professional medical diagnosis or prescription. If there are any concerns about health, users must consult a medical professional before using the service.
The Company shall not be held responsible for issues arising from the use of the service without consulting a doctor, even when there are health concerns.

Article 15. Jurisdiction

① In the event of a dispute arising between the Company and the user regarding the use of the service, the Company and the user shall make sincere efforts to resolve the dispute through consultation. If no agreement can be reached through consultation, the dispute may be submitted to the Content Dispute Resolution Committee under the Content Industry Promotion Act for resolution.
② If a dispute is not resolved through the consultation mentioned in the preceding clause, either party may file a lawsuit. The jurisdiction over disputes between the Company and the user shall be determined based on the user's address at the time of filing the lawsuit, and if the address is not available, the exclusive jurisdiction of the local court with jurisdiction over the user's domicile shall apply.
③ If the user's address or domicile at the time of filing the lawsuit is not clear, the jurisdictional court shall be determined in accordance with the Civil Procedure Act.

Supplementary Provisions

These terms and conditions shall be effective as of September 1, 2023.